I think leading is sometimes seredipity. I would not consider myself a leader, I am rather independent. But in HS,after the regular boys season, the grade 12 girls would get the football team shoulder pads, helmets and shirts and play another school in a powderpuff game. The year before we did it, a girl got injured, so they told us we couldn't play. I pushed the agenda, the newspapers came to cover it. I went to the board and some women groups got behind it. Then they left it up to the county PE teachers who said only if we got expensive breast plates. Instead, being a figure skater, I knew the people at the main rink, on the only Friday, our big Canadian local team was not at home, they let me have the rink. So guys at school lent us equipment, we challenged another school, my brother and his friend reffed and we sold tickets for $0.25 to pay for the party. A lot of people came since the local big hockey team usually played and stayed anyway. The seats were packed and it was rather hilarious because many of the girls did not play well. One girl in pigtails and pink ribbons got in a fight with another similarly dressed (mostly cheerleaders on these teams). I got coverage and I got a scholarship from the Masons. Not planned.