My expectation is that she's not the only G/T kid having this issue, and the teacher has seen the results, and will be focusing on the subject area deficits from now until test time.

Can you talk to any other parents to find out if this is the case? DD's school works a year or more ahead in math, but around (cue evil music) HIGH-STAKES STATE TESTING TIME, they assess them all on grade-level stuff, then do review for a while. In other words, if the kids are rusty on the stuff they haven't seen in a while, they hammer them over the head with it till they are back up to speed. I live in a VERY VERY high-stakes state, though.

Are there any practice materials available online? (There are here. This was DD's HW around this time last year, which lo, she did protest mightily.) If she is strong in math and this is typical state test stuff, it shouldn't take her very long to recall the material. I do sometimes find that DD forget stuff (usually the metric system--she canNOT remember the metric system), but it really is a brief time investment before she is like, "Ohhh....yeah." And she is not all that gifted in math. I would describe as competent and strong but not math league material.

I don't know how LEAP compares to our exam, which I believe is known for being easy.