Some updates -

- As mentioned in another thread, DD brought home her first report card - 4 As, 2Bs. I told her I was more happy for the 2 Bs, since they show she's in a place where she actually has something to learn.

- DD brought her school copy of the science book home last night. Why the school copy, when we have one at home, you ask? Because that's the one she'd already written the answers in (they can write in these textbooks), and she wanted to look them over at home. I asked her to show me what they were doing, and she did, and I commented that it didn't look familiar. But she said not to worry, she understood all of it, which I could tell was the case by the fact she'd answered all the questions.

Which brought the big reveal: DD's homeroom teacher had, unbeknownst to us, adjusted her schedule to accommodate the two kids in the gifted pull-outs. They have been starting science, then putting it away when the two GTs leave, and coming back to it when they return.

Huh. I guess I don't need that science textbook anymore.

Also, DW recently met her, and reports that she's very nice.

Oh, and at the car line last week, DW received a friendly wave and a smile from the one GT teacher that wasn't originally supportive of DD's skip. This same teacher kept ignoring and turning away from DW, so it may be that that relationship is thawing, possibly as DD is demonstrating that she belongs.

Then again, it might be that the teacher was crossing in front of our van, and DW was kind enough to ignore the insistence of the other teacher urgently waving DW forward.