Thanks syoblrig and chay for the kind responses! It is immensely helpful to hear from other parents whose children are gifted in the same area. I stumbled upon online info that VS giftedness is related to talents in engineering and math, and that totally explains it to me. He is also our first, so we had assumed that all kids could build the way he does. Also we didn't give him large sets until we got wppsi-iv result, so we were surprised as well with the extent of his abilities and perseverance.

I don't know what kind of information re-testing might give us, but I am mostly interested in parenting help, extra curricular resources, and DYS support.At our companies we have a lot of geeks, so they are always talking about the coolest geeky toys etc, and I can tag along there. But I think what is missing right now is a close friend with building abilities close to his, and also programs that let him participate at his abilities level (instead of age). Oh, and also while we are qualified to work with him on his interests, I am often ready to drop when I get back from work.