Polarbear, I would never say it's "wrong" to share the IQ score. Each family has to decide what is best for their child.

My concern is with the actual number, because I think it can be confusing for a lot of children, even teens. Most already know that "giftedness" is typically identified by an IQ of 130 or higher. But whether they have an IQ of 131 or 151, it still may be hard for them to sort out. It's kind of like telling your child your income. Most teens have great difficulty putting salaries and income in perspective, since anything above minimum wage sounds fabulous to them:).

On the other hand, sharing discrepancies in abilities as identified by testing can be very helpful, and validates their own experience. This is especially true for a 2e child. The best aspect of testing is its ability to provide information about differences in abilities. This information is helpful to everyone involved. I know that discussing this information was very helpful for one of my kids who had very discrepant subtest scores.

I am also so impressed with how many parents on this forum work hard to teach their gifted children tolerance and empathy toward other children.

Gail Post/ www.giftedchallenges.com