No. My twins are 6.5, and they know that they did a couple of activities last year during K with two different "teachers" to help us find ways to make school more challenging for them. Now they work with one of the those teachers (the gifted coordinator) on a regular basis. She is known as the ATP teacher at our school, and although they figured that out from the yearbook, they don't know what it means, and I have refused to tell them. Last week, one of them asked her what it meant, and she said "A Terrific Place."

They do know they are "ahead" of the other students because they noticed, and that because they work with the ATP teacher they get "harder" and "more challenging" work. They know what IQ is from reading books, and sometimes will say things like "My IQ must be at least 100!" I usually just agree that it is at least 100.

I have told them that their brains allow them to learn some things more quickly than some other people, the same way that some kids are able to learn to play particular sports better than the other kids. I have tried to emphasize, though, that just because they can learn something more quickly doesn't mean that they will know it better than the person who spends more time learning it.
Frankly, I know they have seen books in my bedroom with "gifted children" in the title, so I wouldn't be surprised if they know the term and think that it applies to them.