My advice, at 3, is to follow her lead wherever it takes her (while limiting computer time as you feel appropriate lol!). You mentioned that she "refuses most stories" - do you mean she's refusing to try reading stories herself, or she's impatient and doesn't want to listen to you? I was told by countless teachers etc (whom I respect) that the most important thing to do when children are young is to read to them (just as important as having them practicing reading on their own). If she's refusing to try to read on her own, don't worry with it or bother with it right now. If she's bored with stories you're reading to her, try reading more "bigger" books - books with more complicated story lines etc. Maybe read her something that you loved as a child when you were reading yourself - this is just an example picked out of thin air, but for example, if you loved Little House on the Prairie books, try reading the first one to her. My girls also loved the series of books about young girls that's published by American Girl, and my kids loved listening to the "Golden Classics" when they were around 3.

You also mentioned your dd likes writing activities - go with that! Our kids' preschool firmly believed that writing is a precursor to reading developmentally. I don't know if there's any truth to it, but most of the kids that I knew at the preschool followed that path (self-led) and most went on to early or more advanced reading before they were in kindergarten.

Most importantly, just let her have fun and enjoy her - the preschool years go by soooooo so very quickly!

Best wishes,
