Wow everyone - thanks so much for the great advice!
Just to clarify she gets an hour or 2 of starfall a day which is too much I feel but not enough as far as she is concerned.
I agree 100% about not letting computer interfere with other development - actually she is very sporty (1 st sign of giftedness was throwing and catching at 14 months!). Plus she goes to a play only kindy 2x weekly for the social side of things.

With the books we may be making progress. (In the past 24 hours for heaven sake.) She has sat through some margaret mahy. I even got her to listen to a few fairy tales which I think is purely because she can point at the words as we go along - yay. I just always dreamt of reading fairy tales to my kids - sigh. Perhaps the fiction switch just got flicked? She has just hit a stage where everything is exploding and I'm finding it hard to balance letting her find out for herself and extending her.... We had to build a dodecahedron today and play catch with it.