DD likes Mercy Watson but can't read them completely by herself yet…. Though Mana I bet your DD could. I know the fairy books your talking about and agree. DD loves them too (though she only can read the level 3 ones if I have read it to her a few times). I do like Pinkalicious & Fancy Nancy more… at least they are clothed

. They are level 1 but part of the "I can read" series so still in the I, J, K, and some L reading range (depending on the book). And the made-up words in Pinkalicious give her a challenge & so do the vocab words in Fancy Nancy, which we both like. DD is over Piggie & Elephant too but there was a while when she loved them. She actually collected them a few months ago & took them into her little sister's room.
Mana: I bet your DD could read the Magic Treehouse series chapter books now. Have you tried those?
Sweetie: I am going to look up Cam Jansen. Had heard of Nate the Great but didn't even attempt because DD is so girl-focused. Probably a little too hard at this point but good to look into.