mana: Very good point. I just looked up the reading level for Mercy and it is level K. Most of the Pinkalicious books that she loves are level J & some K. To be honest we haven't read Mercy Watson in over a month and the thought hadn't occurred to me that she may actually be able to read them now. We are mid-move and I only packed one Mercy Watson for this month when everything is in storage. I think I will pull it out tomorrow to see if she is interested.

She IS a perfectionist and really wants and expects everything to be easy. I am really worried about that but don't know what to do! She says she is not interested if she needs to work at something. Then weeks later will come back to it and be able to do it well. Its almost as if she tosses it around in her head until she is ready. Same thing in school, home, & even things like walking/talking (when she was a baby) ect ect. Not sure if there is anything to do about that or if that is just her personality.