Originally Posted by deacongirl
It may be that not skipping is best for the OP's child. But I think that the cons of not skipping need to be explored fully. And a poor academic fit in elementary school may be more damaging than future hypotheticals re: driving and dating.

perfectly put. it's so, so easy to lose them (especially girls - who can just blend in and fade away so quickly.)

it's funny, DD5 and i were talking about this kind of stuff last night, and she pointed out she might graduate high school at 14. she said she wasn't sure about being that young in University and then suggested she might re-integrate to bricks and mortar for high school, when she would be mature enough to tough out a few years of repeated work. this insight of hers FLOORED me, but it occurred to me that the entire point of her current acceleration is to avoid her having to cope with that situation right now, when she's clearly not mature enough. (though apparently completely self-aware?!)

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.