epoh, many kids just aren't developmentally at a place until 7-8yo where they CAN correct reversals.

I'd also point out that (just as we noted elsewhere on the boards recently) many early literacy practices have changed radically in the past 10-15 years, and therefore it's at least possible that some kids who are 8+, even, have not had it formally addressed as a thing that needs remediation... like invented spelling, right?


My mom taught in this age cohort for 40 years, pretty much, and had dyslexia herself-- so she was VERY alert to signs of it, but also told me that letter reversals were way down the list until kids are more like 9-10yo.

I was still doing b/d reversals at that age-- because nobody had ever shown me the "trick" for remembering them.

My mom told me the trick that she used for teaching it and-- I never made the error again.

Just pointing out why the teacher might not have been at all concerned previously. It's completely age-appropriate until about 8yo, and then increasingly less so with additional development.


Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.