Originally Posted by polarbear
I suspect, as Zen mentioned, that your ds' visual challenges may have influenced his scores - but I would also want to compare the results of this test to his neurospych testing - was there any question of reading challenges on that, or does he have lower scores on the tests that relate to skills needed for reading?

The neuropsych said she doesn't see dyslexia. He had average skills for all of the reading (above grade level but given his age average) but superior score in reading comprehension. She put it all down to his visual issues and visual processing problems... But she also said that it would be "so very rare for a kid who is gifted verbally like DS to have a language based learning disorder like dyslexia," which makes me very nervous that she doesn't have any understanding of "stealth dyslexia."

Last year his diebels were fine - well above the benchmarks actually; but his scores the year before, in kindergarten, were low - not as low as this but on the low side.

I could take him to another neuropsych and show him/her the diebels and the tests and see what he/she thinks, I guess. Just seems like I am always suspecting stealth dyslexia with him but no one seems to knows what's up with him. I breathed a sigh when his reading levels went up and his fluency went up so well and the neuropsych said she didn't see dyslexia, it's his visual processing problems I am seeing. Then I get these diebels and I am concerned all over again.