That was a very interesting read. Both of my kids are visual-spatial learners down to a t. But... my younger DS7 is the one who has been tested. He is verbally gifted 99.8 percentile, with everything else high average/average. There were several problems on the testing day and even the tester said that my son who is a self proclaimed math hater refused to even try anything to do with numbers and math and it took a lot of coaxing from her part to get him through the test.
I think she did do a separate visual and auditory memory testing because we noticed he's not able to follow multi step instructions or sometimes even any kind of oral instructions. His auditory memory came back pretty high, but visual memory was only at a 13th percentile. Now this is a kid who skipped the whole sounding out and phonics part when he started to read. He just kind of knew how to read out of nowhere at a young age. So why the low visual memory score?