Yes, evidently. I had an Intraspinal narcotic, which worked great.

I also was theoretically not capable (in terms of pelvic structure) of giving birth vaginally to a neonate weighing over 6 lbs, but I managed DD who was 1.5 lb over that. Of course, it took 4h of intense pushing, and the doc said he'd never have believed it if he hadn't seen it himself...

Yeah, pregnancy was VERY hard on me pain-wise. My entire pelvic girdle just sort of :floated: and ground around with every step or movement, starting as soon as my ligaments began to loosen at about week 9. Debilitating sciatica and reflux. The entire thing is just a haze of pain, but I recall my OB cautioning me repeatedly about proprioception and joints due to my hypermobility. I frankly can't understand anyone that says "Oh, you forget" about that kind of pain. I think you'd have to have a lesion to forget that. Worth it, of course-- but not something that I can write off easily.

I've popped my knees out of joint shaking water off of them when stepping out of a pool or shower. Both knees readily subluxate, and I can also subluxate both wrists and ankles at will, too. It's a lot more inconvenient than painful-- at least if I don't ask them to bear weight before I figure out that they aren't aligned properly, that is.

I'm kind of excited that I finally know why stuff that seems so HARD for me seems so weird to other people!! I have to be SO careful to align my feet with my knees or they'll subluxate on me. SO painful when walking.

I'm going to be considerably less thrilled, of course, if there is an aortic dilation to worry about in my DD, since she absolutely canNOT be under beta-blockade, ever-ever-ever.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.