HK, I am glad you have found this young for her. The anesthetic thing was such an eye opener for me. I had literally had no idea that local was supposed to do anything more than take the edge off. When I first read that I called my best friend and asked her if she felt her perineal repair and really wasn't ready for the "Nope, wouldn't have known he was down there if I couldn't see him". And I should have known that, I was in the room at the time, I just thought she was much braver than I had been.... I've had dentists squirt anesthetic straight into the open hole in my tooth, wait 30-60 seconds, work until I started screaming again and repeat... That was after they'd injected all they reasonably could into my gums. If I ever need dental work that major again I think I might just ask for a general. And we've learned to take our kids to hospital for splinters than need locals, because it won't work and they need gas.