Originally Posted by Wren
I want her to enjoy her talent.
Most definitely.

Our son has been playing for seven years this Fall and continues to impress us. The trick is that he could be phenomenal with just a bit more practice, but after a spirited debate here a few years back, I decided that it was more important that he enjoy himself. He's continued with music in high school and does very well there with another instrument, so I'm satisfied.

He and I both read Tiger Mom and it's very clear that I can't do what Chua did, and it wouldn't work with him even if I tried.

But part of me, yeah, part of me wishes he'd taken piano more seriously. (I'll consider our efforts successful if, in 30 years, he still plays for enjoyment like his mother does.)

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz