We were trying to get into a group piano class and were being pushed to give DD lessons before she was 3.5. We said no. Her birthday is end of Sept so when the group piano started in Sept, the instructor pushed me again and DH and I decided to start. She had perfect pitch and her coordination and ability to move her fingers quickly was extraordinary. She did a concert at 7 but she didn't love it enough and the work for the concert was tough on her. The pieces were very fast and very strong, so she had a lot of pounding of chords with one hand rapidly scaling down the piano. And for a concert, where people are paying, it has to be really good or you cannot play. We took a down year and now she is with a jazz pianist and starting to get into it again. I want her to enjoy her talent. So DD has the piano ability/math combo that some gifties have.

I think it is VS since I was able to pick up the piano much easier (you sort of try it again when they play) than DH, who thought he would be couldn't. He was a verbal kind of guy.
