DD6yo just started piano this August. She practices maybe 3-5 times a week, weekly lessons, and seems to be picking it up quickly, according to her teacher. The teacher discussed realistic expectations (just a standard discussion of a bunch if stuff before starting lessons) and noted she had one gifted student before, but his hands still had to grow before he could do everything his mind would let him do. But even when we called she said six was on the young side and asked about sitting and focusing, reading, so those were two times we had an opening to mention DD's typical abilities. I reiterated that we wanted something challenging for DD, we didn't care about what she could play by what time, as long as she enjoyed it. DD has been very dedicated to practicing and figuring out how she likes to study her note flash cards. She can definitely see how going through practicing multiple times takes her from rough to competent, so I'm very happy that it is something to counter perfectionism.