Thank you for your wisdom and experience. I am taking all this in. Is it a geneticist who would diagnose Ehlers Danlos?
I want to add that I first requested the contact person to apply for a 504 per district policy on 7/13 and on 8/27 per the sage advisors here I wrote the following to the designated "gatekeeper" at our school:
I am requesting an immediate evaluation of eligibility under Section 504 for DS. His Developmental Optometrist and OT agree that he qualifies, and that accommodations need to be in place in order for him to access the educational environment. I know that none of us want DS to miss school with panic attacks and anxiety.
I also wrote how not having his accommodations in place was already affecting his ability to access the learning environment and that I was uncomfortable waiting to see how he would respond without them.
Good to look back. Guess we know the answer to that one now huh?