+1 Zen Scanner

If you want something done by an engineer, bring donuts! If they have celiac, they'll trade them for favors of their own with other staff members.
Hint: they don't have to be home baked.
Our last round through the IEP meeting, I brought sandwiches (vegetarian and non, since my son's teacher was vegetarian), brownies and fruits. Since the meeting had been scheduled right after school ended on a short day I knew that only the admins and the psychologist would have had a chance to grab any food.
I wanted to send the message that we had
all the time in the world to hammer out the perfect plan

It worked. The leftovers went to the staff room. Like hospital workers and IT techs, teachers (as a group) always like finding something edible when they come in the break room. Because there will always be at least one who has had to skip lunch to deal with an emergency...
Good luck HappilyMom.