we went to the Kindergarten orientation before school started and while the other 20 kids were just standing there, looking around, holding onto their parents, DS5 was running around, checking things out, while talking nonstop, while trying to see if he could sneak out into the office and check out their huge copier and possibly take it apart to see how it works. I was like an ostrich trying to hide my head in the sand but there was no escaping his nuttiness! lol ... oh, and he had so many questions for the teachers and just couldn't understand why she didn't have time to discuss with him what's in that box in the corner that has the picture of a key on it and "no, really? These are all books? That is AMAZING!" ... and he went on and on and on. I just don't see how they can calm him down. It seems to be 10 times worse than it was last year in preschool!

Last edited by Mk13; 08/22/13 07:14 PM.