DS5 ... today was his 2nd day in Kindergarten. He wants to go back to preschool because preschool was a lot more fun. He used to tell me what he did in preschool every day. Now ... I got nothing ... two days, and I got NO info from him. Other than he was upset yesterday because the kids went to gym and he didn't (I'm assuming a misunderstanding because of his asthma. He's supposed to have gym but limited activity and needs his backpack with inhaler to go with them just in case). And we also got one of those "get to know your child better" questionnaires. One of the questions was ... Does your child recognize numbers to 12? ... so I crossed it out and put in 100 (he can do more but I figured I'd ease in the teacher carefully :)). Then there was a question How high can your child count? ... my answer was "I don't know". I truly don't know. I know he can do addition to 20 (with about 90% accuracy) but no clue how high he can count? Then if he can recognize upper case and lower case letters. Oy! I'm glad he came to this world couple weeks early and made it before the cut off so he doesn't have to wait another year to be bored in Kindergarten! But at least he can't read yet so he DOES have big things to learn. I just hope I'm wrong with my suspicion of Dyslexia / Dysgraphia.

But there IS one positive. The school ended up opening one more Kindergarten class (they are all just half days) because the original classes were too big and I volunteered him to be switched to the new class and for now there's just SIX kids! So, fingers crossed, I'm hoping to see some unofficial differentiation once the teacher gets to know him ... I hope smile