You won't find me extolling CAM. I'm not particularly a fan. I personally take an array of mainstream meds, and my kids (not that one, currently) have been on and off them as well for a variety of things. You don't need to give a lecture on why CAM appeals yet can be risky, believe me. I have been down this road with friends who have pursued remedies for their children that were very expensive and, I thought, dangerous and utterly unproven.

This herb is on its way to being an evidence-based remedy. I personally think there is a middle ground and that it is foolish to completely ignore that possibility. I completely agree that there is a VAST amount of charlatanism out there. This one happens to look fairly promising. I understand the concern about possible toxicity, but research indicates no known or suspected safety risk. As for no research in children, can I tell you how many meds my children have been prescribed where there was "no research in children," "no established dosage for children" and the doctor just gave some standard off-label dose based on weight? That research is very rarely done. It's a problem, for sure, but does not indicate very much.