Originally Posted by moomin
In eyesight news. The glasses arrived yesterday.

yay! yay! yay! when DD5 got her glasses a couple of years ago, they made such a huge difference for her. she doesn't even have to wear them all the time anymore, but she does because she feels how much they've empowered her.

and while we're talking glasses... keep a sharp eye out for the kid who will tease her about them. DD loved hers and then all of a sudden started saying that she thought she didn't need them anymore/she could see better without them.

given that with her particular vision issues she *may* outgrow them - we went straight off to the eye doctor. everything was fine with the prescription, but the doctor immediately picked up on a bullying vibe. it wasn't overt, it was honestly something that i never would have seen on my own - and it was like kicking over a hornet's nest. i am so grateful to that doctor, you have no idea.

ultimately, DD dealt with the bully in truly a hilarious way:

DD: um, dude - i love my glasses and you should, too.
Bully: i hate them. i'll never love them - they make you ugly.
DD: ah. well, you see without them, i get headaches. and when i have headaches, i get REALLY angry. YOU WOULDN'T LIKE ME WHEN I'M ANGRY.

and literally... that was that.

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.