Originally Posted by Mk13
[quote=DeeDee][quote=Mk13]Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think it's as much about attention span as it is about simple interest. They are interested = they pay attention, they are not interested = they couldn't care less. .......

All true. Though, I think in our case a lot of the issues are genes. I remember how I found kids around me very "weird" to want to pay attention to things and people that I found utterly boring. I didn't understand my feelings back then but I learned to cope with them by always insisting on sitting in the front row right in front of the teacher so I could try my hardest to pay attention. Anything beyond front row and I'd spend all day with my mind wondering around, while drawing little evergreen trees all over my notebooks! lol

tornadoes or tornadoes with Looney Tune Tasmanian Devil feet and ears sticking out. But my wandering attention was due to uncorrected nearsightedness (until age 12)...I couldn't see what was going on so it couldn't be that interesting to me. And everyone knew I couldn't see the doctor didn't believe in correcting it until it got worse...It got corrected when I finally got a spine and told my mom I wanted to see!

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary