Originally Posted by AvoCado
FWIW, when I enrolled my DD in a gifted pull-out program, I had to fill out a questionnaire for her, and one of the questions was about attention span. These were the options for answers:

* Was easily distracted, rarely concentrated for more than a few minutes at a time
* By about two years could concentrate on activities such as drawing, playing with
blocks, for up to ten minutes by self
* By about two years could concentrate on activities which caught his or her interest for half an hour or more

So I'd say anything more than a half-hour attention span (not to mention basic spelling) at 2 is really unusual. You're not missing anything or reading too much into anything, and you're right to care about it. If you're correct and your child is gifted, that is important information to know! Maybe you won't need to do anything with that information but it's crucial to know so you can keep an eye out down the track! No point driving blind. I know what it's like to be in denial, or think that you're over thinking things - believe me, it's a relief to know for sure then you can stop wondering, so if I were you I'd consider testing in a few years smile

Thank you.