Originally Posted by DeeDee
Originally Posted by Mk13
He does have High functioning autism diagnosis but from what we're seeing at home, the attention span thing seems to be unrelated to his diagnosis. He is right now into trying to force ME into HIS structured activities! lol

Actually, that's pretty classic preschooler autism. Happy to put you into his structure, not so able to pay attention to yours.

Remembering with not too much fondness the day when my DS (perhaps 2) asked me to draw Elmo about 150 times.

Autism typically comes with lots of effects on attention; it can improve with systematic practice...


He's now a very different child than he was 5 months ago when we got the officially diagnosis. And the therapists he's working with don't agree with his diagnosis. Severe anxiety, yes but not autism. So I guess the jury is still out. We're not pushing the issue for now. We'll know more as he gets older. Pulling him out of most therapies and keeping him in just short ST for feeding issues and joint OT for DS3 and DS4.9 where they are learning to tolerate being in each other's space is turning out to be the best thing we could had done. He's becoming chatty, with great eye contact, interested in everything around him ... The only issue that remains is social anxiety. So from what we can tell, his focus level is truly interest driven.