Our library system's summer reading program is pretty easy, just color in a small picture for every 30 minutes. DD has been timing herself, DS just guesstimates and gets my approval first. Last year the prize was a free book and small tote bag, plus a handful of coupons for local museums.

The Half Price Bookstore has a summer reading program, if you have one of those in town. I believe the prizes are gift cards to the store.

DS had a reading program at school that involved writing down the names of books and number of pages read during the month. When he was in first grade, and he read out loud mostly to me, it was pretty easy. In second, when he was tearing through novels when we weren't looking, it was a total PITA to track down which books he had read. Since he didn't seem to care enough to help me figure it out, I stopped doing it. He certainly didn't need a carrot to get him to read more. (Although I suppose his class lost points because he wasn't participating. Oh well.)