Our library's summer reading club requires no work from me. The kids are supposed to fill in a bubble for every 15 minutes read. We told DD to fill in a bubble for every chapter read (and then changed that to every two chapters for the easier books.) DD takes care of it all by herself. She brings a few books and her log everywhere she goes.

DD just loves it, but she is four and still motivated by the little prizes (which we are now inventing because I won't take any more from the library--trips for ice cream, a donut, a candy bar. She will do anything for sweets.

I just assumed the library a town over was using the same system. I'll have to check. The Barnes and Nobel one is to read five books. I checked out the scholastic reading club. That will require more work from me. It would be neat to see how much she is actually reading. I'll probably continue to make my own bubble sheets.