Wow, that is crazy...lots of work and just too much monitoring. DD always has her head in a book. She will sit in the bathroom for an hour even if I let her. Not to mention after I leave her room at night. I have no clue how long she reads then, although I have had to go in at midnight in the past when I heard noise and take the book away (she's 6).
Out library just lets the kids set their personal goal and they get a prize for reaching it, and for participating. DD set her goal at 60 chapter books. She's ambitious. Dh are supplementing the prizes on our own with things she really wants. A dollar for every 5 read, her own milk shake from a local restaurant that makes AMAZING ones, for every 10. She just finished White Fang, so not short little chapter books either.
They also have a sheet where you mark off time read, but I am so not doing that. There is no way I could ever keep up with every 15 minutes she reads. Seriously, I could just go ahead and cross out everything on those after a week because she reads that much. If I had to estimate yesterday, I would say she read over 3 hours, I do know she read at least 250 pages yesterday. LOL, the library probably wouldn't believe me if I wrote that down.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.