Well, yes, Howler Karma. Couldn't agree with you more. Selingo makes the argument too that the tuition and cost to attend college/university is a huge part of the overall picture. In fact, that comprises 1/3 of the book or more. Of course, the entire system is unsustainable as it currently is.

Selingo argues that colleges and universities are often fudging the financial aid part or engaging in deceptive practices to court students and bring money in. It's really appalling and scandalous.

Selingo also points out the findings from a groundbreaking study in the 2011 book, Academically Adrift, and how the lack of rigor at colleges and universities is essentially destroying higher education. Selingo writes, "this study found that students spent 12 hours a week studying on average....Most didn't take courses that required them to read more than forty pages a week or write more than twenty pages over the course of an entire semester," from in College (Un)Bound, page 26.

Geez, if this is the case, my ds7 spends more time and effort and produces more 'results' from unschooling/homeschooling than college students. At least with ds7 I can assess what he is actually learning and how. I have oversight. I fail to see how parents of college/university students pay such horrendous tuition bills without some kind of quality control.