Hk- I follow what you're saying.

I personally didn't take AP classes, because I was interested only in science AP classes; and I would still need to take these in college. (I did test out of Freshman math and English though.)

One thought (which I won't claim to be an expert on) is the educational system in England. I studied abroad during "silly electives" in intro type classes. The kids in class with me were freshman already knowing quite a lot in their area of expertise. This was due to the last 2 years of high school focusing on 4 subjects. It was quite eye opening to me. Even though those classes were my electives and their core classes; I couldn't believe how far ahead they were and how much I needed to teach myself to be in par with the class (able to participate). It also hurt my GPA.

I do think that AP classes would be able to be more meaningful and not watered down if less classes were required in high school, so the students could focus on the class with sufficient attention. Also, the goal (which I don't see changing anytime) of a school is not how many AP classes or students in AP classes it has. It should be selective and really the kids who deserve to be in it and can understand and do the work in a reasonable time get to be offered the class.

I guess I am slowly realizing all the things the school(s) tell me they have in place for gt kids may not really work as explained.