Just started reading College (Un)Bound by Jeffrey Selingo, who is the editor at large at Chronicle of Higher Education.

He makes the point that there is a credentials race. The rankings are deceptive and a game to rack up money. Ch-ching.

Far worse, Selingo says that the lack of rigor at colleges and universities today affects everyone and that no one mentions what students actually learn. Gulp. Pretty damning. I knew it was bad since I used to teach as an adjunct at a community college and state college before I had ds7, but still I thought the swanky selective, prestigious schools had a different caliber of students than I did. Well, not necessarily, I'm sad to say. This is a bleak picture to be sure.

I haven't finished the book yet or even half of it, but I would recommend reading it to parents here. He book has three sections to it, including a section on the future. Selingo has spent more than 15 years at the Chronicle of Higher Education so I would say he's quite reputable and knows what he's talking about with higher education.

For those of us who went to school in the early 80s (or earlier), you might be in for an eye opener on the state of higher education today (or not).