I like mysteries when I'm looking for escapism and no RE. They're not happy usually, though. Mindless puzzles to solve, I suppose.

I enjoy l-o-v-e puzzles. You just made me think of the "Usual Suspects" (albeit a movie).
I was too tired to turn the computer on after I crawled in bed last night. I was going to post about a conversation I had with my mom earlier in the day. Do you find that your childhood reading/show interests parallel your child's? My mom said that when I was in second or third grade my favorite book was "A Wrinkle in Time." My copy is on DS's bookshelf right now. I'm itching to read it to him. My mom also said that I my favorite shows were "The Never Ending Story," "Escape to Witch Mountain" and "The Sound of Music." I have to admit that I also enjoyed "The Parent Trap." DS2 enjoys musicals, but I haven't tried any of these in particular out on him. He's more interested in his computer, trains, or cars. I can't figure it out, but one of his favorite You Tube clips is "Crazy Frog."