Any good book recommendations for me (not DS)? I'd prefer nothing sad that will trigger my RE or make me think too hard. I'm ready to imitate my cat - find a sunny spot - and stretch out. Happy is good - escapism is good. I've only had time to watch one movie w/in the past 6 mos and really enjoyed it -- "Long Way Round" (docu).
I like mysteries when I'm looking for escapism and no RE. They're not happy usually, though. Mindless puzzles to solve, I suppose.
I always enjoy Sue Grafton. Sherlock Holmes is fun.
Also--not a mystery--I recently enjoyed "The Time Traveler's Wife." It's a bit sad in places, I guess, but not a book you'd cry like mad over. I'd call it rather hopeful, I guess.
Mostly what I read these days are books for homeschool or books about the Norse. So I'm not a great one for offering recs, I'm afraid...I'll read the recs of other people with great interest, however!