Originally Posted by Ann
Any good book recommendations for me (not DS)? I'd prefer nothing sad that will trigger my RE or make me think too hard. I'm ready to imitate my cat - find a sunny spot - and stretch out. Happy is good - escapism is good. I've only had time to watch one movie w/in the past 6 mos and really enjoyed it -- "Long Way Round" (docu).

I like mysteries when I'm looking for escapism and no RE. They're not happy usually, though. Mindless puzzles to solve, I suppose.

I always enjoy Sue Grafton. Sherlock Holmes is fun.

Also--not a mystery--I recently enjoyed "The Time Traveler's Wife." It's a bit sad in places, I guess, but not a book you'd cry like mad over. I'd call it rather hopeful, I guess.

Mostly what I read these days are books for homeschool or books about the Norse. So I'm not a great one for offering recs, I'm afraid...I'll read the recs of other people with great interest, however! smile
