NEW - venting just because I have to! DS (6.75 - he told me he's 6 3/4 now because it is only 3 months until his birthday, why again did I teach him fractions?) brought home a book from school yesterday as an ACTUAL reading assignment that was only 2 grade levels down from his reading level instead of 3 or 4. It was a book he had read last summer <Mouse and the Motorcycle (gotta love it)>. So, he sat down yesterday afternoon and read it. I signed off on the form and sent it back to school today. Teacher sent it home and told him he wasn't supposed to read it in one night and that he shouldn't bring it back until May 9 because he should read a little bit everyday.

Yup, she's encouraging a love of reading. Man, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Okay, vent over, please resume whatever was happening. . .