What Val said? Absolutely true-- which is why a good many departments have-- long since, in fact-- said "you know what, suuuuuuure, you got into Prestigious University all right, but you know, I just don't think that you're right for Highly Difficult Subject College within our institution. Maybe you should try Easy Fluff Major and see if they'll take you on as a student."

Just getting IN to the larger institution isn't anything like getting into your major, where the real expert admissions screens take place.

Also-- the SAT essay works exactly the same ridiculous, formulaic way. Needs to be 300-400 words, probably, for a "6" score... oh, and don't be NUANCED. My goodness no. Pick a strong position and remember that this is persuasive writing, and that you have just 25 minutes.

I've already flatly told DD that she is to consider this an opportunity to lie without compunction. If she needs to manufacture a cute/warm anecdote to pull off what she needs... OF COURSE she should do that.

Oh, and also remember that the people grading it will spend about 22 minutes less than that grading it.

"Holistically" I mean. Which is fine, except that it's not at all clear that the individuals DOING that grading are very well suited to that task, since it's so unrestricted as to topic and writing style and all. Whatever.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.