Originally Posted by st pauli girl
Interesting. I just assumed DS9's vocab was different simply because he reads so much. He's always had a unique way of saying things. But now that you mention it, perhaps he said he had to "adjust his eating habits" when he lost his tooth versus "change the way I chew my food" because the "ch" sound was one of the sounds he didn't have until after speech therapy.

To further support this... my voracious reader is DD10, who speaks very typically (unlike my "odd choice of words/language disorder" DS8).

He's getting much better - although he still has moments where he'll either make an odd substitution or he'll describe or omit a word he can't access, like: "you know, those things that keep your hands warm" instead of gloves.

The above example is more relating to a vocab slip than anything else, but this thread makes me think that there are non-spectrum kids who are simply wired differently when it comes to social language.

Last edited by CCN; 04/29/13 03:49 PM.