If you have other reasons for concern I'm going to pipe up and say get a pragmatic language assessment. My DD, who has Aspergers, has a similar verbal iq (pretty stable across 3 tests each 2 yrs apart). She just recently had a language assessment, the CELF4 had wild scatter from the 99.9th down to the 40, but nothing too low, average score "normal", but well lower than VCI. The tester then administered a purely social/pragmatic language test which he best score was BELOW the 40th, ranging down to the 1st, overall score 16th which I'm thinking is 3SDs from VCI.

She's 11, it's NEVER occurred to anyone she needed a speech therapist - until I finally read enough to think "hang on these 'social' and 'behaviour' problems we are having might be a pragmatic language issue (and literalness of course)".

So my DD with a VCI in the near gifted range, great diction, good vocab, etc, is about to start speech therapy...