I find that my 7 yo dd (FSIQ of 149 but lower VCI of 124) has odd word choices. I have kept this opinion to myself until my neighbor, who is a teacher, pointed it out in a friendly "oh those M***-isms" - using her name basically. The only examples I can think of at the moment are:

"She damaged her finger." instead of saying somebody hurt their finger or injured it.

And she said "We are going to fetch some cars." when they wanted to flag some cars down for their lemonade stand.

I wish I could think of some others but I'm drawing a blank at the moment. But basically she just uses words that I find fit in strangely with what she is saying if that makes sense. It's really rather cute but I have been concerned lately about the possibility that she could be on the spectrum somewhere and was wondering if this might by a red flag.

I waiver between her quirkiness being a result of her giftedness or something more.