Originally Posted by ABQMom
Anyone else dealing with this?

Yes, annually.

For us, it's several things:

--For us, it's not LDs, but behavior issues. DS tends to have a honeymoon at the start of the year, a bad patch in the fall, a smooth patch in late fall-winter, and some renewed rockiness late in the year. Just when they think he's fixed, he isn't, and they feel very disappointed. It starts to feel to them like he's doing it on purpose to defy them. Why could he do it last week and not this week? Etc.

--Teachers have lots more optimism and energy in the early part of the year than they do in the spring. We still have almost one quarter left to go but everyone is starting to feel "done." I expect my DS to make progress in the 4th quarter, but they are looking at their year's effort and feeling like it's a failure because he's not fixed yet; it's hard to get everyone to throw in more good effort on an unpredictable kid.

I don't address this directly with teachers except to keep patiently problem-solving the day to day issues that arise. But yes, if people started questioning his academic placement on the grounds that they've forgotten his disability, I'd remind them nicely of the relevant data, also on a case-by-case, one conversation at a time basis.
