Originally Posted by SiaSL
Sylvan would give you a baseline. There are also some online assessments you can use, some free (K12).

What do you want to use the information for? arguing for accelerations? Grade skip? Differentiation?

In your original post the school seemed to want to help by assessing the child for giftedness and... placement in a gifted program? or something else? and you didn't think it was a good idea because...???

If i can get the assessment done , i probably can use that to save our DS from the constant 'clip changing ' about every single thing he does at school . Some of them that i thought just plain ridiculous . And to explain to the teacher , this probably the reason behind all the behavior he's been showing you . And maybe she'll get the idea about giving him work that suits him .

The testing for the gifted is supposed to be done sometimes next month ,i just sent the nomination paper this morning , and i did ask the counselor to at least walk me through the process .. etc , but she didn't reply me with anything about that .

Yes the school does mention about wanting to nominate him for the test , that was before spring break when they mentioned it .Earlier this week they brought up about the FBA who's specializes working with autistic children to asses DS . I just thought i wanted to give them a proof that DS needs to learn something new , not things that he knows already . The school year is almost over , but what does he learn ? Not much ..