Originally Posted by 1111
2. This is what I am really wondering about. He is EXTREMELY sensitive to what he sees. Examples: The other night I was about to put on a new pajamas that was camo pattern. He got very upset, crying saying he didn't like the pattern. He refused to let me put it on him. I asked why he didn't like the pattern and he said "It looks like people that are crying". (He is very sensitive to others feelings) Looking back to when he was just over 1 years old he wouldn't wear PJ's that had ears on the feet either. Cried hysterically.

This actually triggers another memory of my DD10 when she was younger (although it's not quite the same)... she was VERY VERY VERY insistent that her stuffed toys had feelings, and it went well beyond the age when she should have known they were toys. I'm certain that on some level she knew they weren't real, but she insisted they were and that they had awareness and likes and dislikes. She would become quite upset and emotional if you contradicted her. I want to say this continued until she was 7 or 8, but I can't quite remember. My suspicion is that she was just taking some of her intense sensitivity and displacing it somewhere (sharing it, maybe... with her stuffed toys... so that it was easier to handle? I don't know).

Last edited by CCN; 03/03/13 08:52 PM.