Thanks... I appreciate the responses.

Pemberley - I'd love to get an EEG done, actually, just to be sure. I think DS would be compliant, although he has an extremely sensitive scalp, so I'm not sure how that would work out.

Polarbear - it's interesting that you mention auras - both DD and I have had them. May I ask how your daughter has been seizure free? Is it a medication that's working, or has she outgrown them? The episodes stopped for me in high school (I was never diagnosed with anything... no one ever noticed... I just used to periodically "zone out"). Apparently I outgrew it, whatever it was.

The school sent me a video of DS having an episode. He was working quite diligently at a frustrating task, and about 4 minutes in, gazed at the work of the student next to him for about 20 seconds, then returned to his work (and seemed exactly as he had been before). There were no obvious signs of any kind - he just looked lost in thought, and sort of blinked a couple of times. His face and body remained completely normal. It reminded me exactly of the way it used to happen for me.

I'm going to call the doctor on Monday and show her the video and see what she thinks.

It was sort of funny, though, because at one point in the video one of DS's classmates walked past his desk, paused and stared at something, lost in thought, and then carried on her way. How do you know the difference between a seizure and a child pausing to think for a moment? It can be so hard to know.

I suppose it's good that DS's ADHD has him "under a microscope" because his behaviours get noticed...

Last edited by CCN; 02/23/13 07:58 PM.