We had our school meeting today. The results are:
- subject acceleration for literacy/ reading, with visits to a higher grade (hopefully daily)
- twice weekly pull-out sessions with the AG teacher (literacy + math)
- challenge packages from the AG teacher for reading comprehension/ writing/ math, to work on during class time
- she does not need to participate in classroom instruction on topics she clearly comprehends (possible pre-test/ opt-out)
- special weekly homework from the teacher with reading comprehension and math at a higher grade level
- she will have an IDEP in a few days (and happens to be the only child in our entire GT school of 400-450 kids with an IDEP).
We are fine with the arrangements so far, although the IDEP is very vague and does state that the visits to higher grades and the AG teacher will be done "as scheduling permits". I had hoped for a commitment of at least 3 or 4 visits, each of a minimum of 30 minutes, per week. It's a decent start though, and I realize many schools are much less willing to cooperate with parents.
The school does not allow for acceleration for anything but reading for her, but offers differentiation only (in the way of core curriculum challenge packages). We're not completely satisfied with that. I am planning on starting her on EPGY at home to allow her to work ahead (her math achievement percentiles were quite high but aptitude not high enough).
Thank you for all of your comments and suggestions.