Chiming in with my two cents re: writing (though I'm talking more specifically about handwriting). I agree with ultramarina -- find out how this is handled at the school. My DS was not so great with handwriting during K, so when he skipped first, his handwriting was noticeably the worst, sometimes completely illegible. His teachers were pretty cool about it, saying it was age appropriate, and in class it wasn't an issue. However, when we asked to get him skipped up another grade in math, the GT coordinator blocked it, saying that he couldn't keep up with the writing. We found another school that was much cooler about not caring about handwriting as much - he was ready for 3rd grade math, and the teacher said that if DS couldn't write everything, he could verbally explain his answers.

I looked at some of your past posts and see that your DD is in a GT magnet. You wrote:
Originally Posted by Johanna
DD is in Kindergarten at an AG magnet school, and is working a couple of years ahead of her classmates in reading, writing, and math. I am exploring the idea of grade acceleration. The focus of our meeting will be if she is a candidate for full grade acceleration, for which she will need to show being able to work consistently at 2-3 grade levels above her current grade.

I have heard stories that GT magnet schools are sometimes less flexible than other schools, and less willing to offer grade skips, because they feel they know what they are doing. They probably do in most cases, but not every GT kid is the same. From your description, it sounds like the school is fairly flexible with moving her to different grades for work. I guess I would want to know why the school feels it is so important for your DD to be with her agemates if she is more comfortable with the kids in the higher grades.