You mention in the first post in this thread that she is significantly ahead of her grade peers. Is this her grade peers as well as her peers in the subject accelerated classes or her grade/age peers in general? Also, what does the admission criterion for her school look like? Did she just make the cut (i.e. - do they require a FSIQ at the 98th percentile) or is she well above the admission requirements?
I ask these things b/c I think that part of what goes into making decisions regarding grade skips is how out of step a child is with the kids in her individual school setup not just how far out of step she is with kids her age in general. We did skip one of my girls whose IQ scores are just somewhat higher than what you list here (i.e. - she's HG, but not PG). In her instance it was primarily b/c we have no GT magnets, the GT programming was limited to an hour a day or so even in the schools with the most GT programming, and admission to GT programming was so liberal as to include up to 20% of the kids in the school so even a 98th percentile kid likely would have needed more than what it offered. If we had had GT programming that set a cut around the 98th or 99th percentile FSIQ, I suspect that she would have been fine without the skip - ahead of her peers in her strong areas still, but not so much that it couldn't have been accommodated.