Thanks again for your comments. Just an update...and also (yet another) cautionary tale about school psychologists. So my dear sister and her husband went in for the first meeting to try to set up the IEP and the school psychologist was there (i.e., the on-staff school psychologist with whom they would have to work to develop any IEP). The upshot was that the school psychologist announced that they didn't believe the independent psychological evaluation that said dear nephew had difficulty controlling his emotions but with support would be expected to improve over time. Apparently they indicated that he must have some disorder and were discussing which one it might be--all without having even met the kid. So the parents didn't see this going anywhere positive, despite the teacher's support, and have decided to homeschool for the foreseeable future. While the school wasn't threatening to expel him (yet), apparently in Georgia if you are expelled you can't go back until high school, so they didn't want to risk it and might try to get him readmitted after a period of homeschooling and working on his emotional control with social skills classes and interaction with other homeschooled kids. I'm pretty sure it will all work out in the long run, and I expect that he will be a happy, emotionally healthy, productive person when he is older--he just needs to work through this with positive support, which I think he will be getting now, so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for him.

Last edited by Dbat; 01/31/13 03:08 PM.