Thanks for the responses. He did have an overall evaluation that I think included NEPSY and similar tests and does have some minor handwriting issues, but I don't think there were any other indications of problems although I will be sure to mention it.
Pemberley--thanks for the info. I have only a vague idea of how IEPs work since we have not been in public school and that was my impression, but I wasn't sure. I've been encouraging them to look into it more but they're worried about any label 'sticking' forever and they really seem convinced he will grow out of it (because of their own experiences as kids). But I think I've seen on this board some comments about IEPs changing or maybe even going away, which makes sense. I hope your complaint to the Dept. of Education goes well; I've been following your posts a little and am sorry you've had trouble. Who wants to become an expert on this stuff!?!

Good luck and thanks again.